100% Employee-Owned, Employee Driven


Warehouse Related Articles


The Benefits of an Integrated Warehouse Systems Partnership – Learn the benefits of working with a partner that understands all facts of warehouse planning, from forklifts to conveyor, racking and more. Having a partner to help you plan and execute has many benefits. Learn what they are.

Five Ways to Lower Your Material Handling CostsOur experience with various operations, which utilize different types of equipment in multiple ways, has exposed us to a wide variety of scenarios that relate to facilities, equipment, and applications. In working with our diverse customer base, we have recognized solutions that, when implemented, result in lower total operating costs.

Top Ten Ways to Improve Warehouse Efficiency for Material Handling – In material handling, the benefits of warehousing efficiency are synonymous with success: higher customer satisfaction, reduced operating costs, increased productivity, and better safety. Here are Alliance Material Handling, Inc.’s top 10 ways for reaping those rewards and improving the overall efficiency of your warehouse.

Heat Retention Tips for Your Warehouse – During the cold winter months, energy bills can skyrocket. We’ve assembled some tips you can use to retain more heat inside your warehouse and lower your utility costs this winter.


Choosing the Right Forklift for Your Warehouse – So many factors play into choosing the right forklift for your warehouse needs, and the array of customized forklift options available is vast. But when your lift truck selection perfectly matches your individual material handling needs, your warehouse operating costs, productivity, and inventory management can all see dramatic improvement.

The Benefits of Renting Equipment – Renting equipment like forklifts, floor sweepers and scrubbers provides certain benefits you do not receive with purchasing or leasing equipment. Learn more about the benefits of renting your equipment from Alliance Material Handling.

Electric Forklifts: Conventional Charging vs. Opportunity ChargingThe increasing popularity of opportunity charging has sometimes led to misguided information surrounding proper battery care and proper charging tips. For decades, the general practice was to recharge your forklift battery at the end of the day or shift. Because of this, in multi-shift applications, there would be numerous batteries in rotation to keep the forklift fleet running.

The Main Benefits of Planned Maintenance for Your Forklift Fleet – Learn more about the effects and benefits that planned maintenance has on the safety, productivity and profitability of your warehouse and material handling operation.

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Forklift Engine Cooling Tips – Heat is a forklift engine’s number one enemy. Learn what you can do to minimize the effect of heat during the hot Summer months.

Minimizing the Cost of Your Forklift Tires – Learn what you can do to minimize the costs associated with forklift tires, and how to extend their useful life.


Four Main Traits of a Safety -Minded Company – Learn what four main over-arching themes drive companies that are focused on safety.

Forklift Operator Training vs Teaching; Knowing the DifferenceThere are vast differences in teaching forklift operators safe forklift operation and truly training them.  This Feature Article highlights the learning process and gives you ideas about what you can do to reinforce your program to ensure actual training is taking place.

When is Forklift Operator Refresher Training Required? Besides every three years, learn what circumstances OSHA requires your forklift operators to receive refresher training.

Improving Pedestrian Safety in Your Warehouse – Learn what you can do to improve pedestrian safety in your material handling and warehousing operations.

Dock and Door Related Articles


Tips to Improve Loading Dock Safety

In this Feature Article we provide you with 12 tips that can improve safety on, and around, your loading docks.

The Benefits of Regular Dock & Door Maintenance

Learn more about the components of your dock and door operation that need regular service, and the benefits of keeping them in good working order with regular maintenance.